Digest (07 Fev 2022 - 13 Fev 2022)



Project Events



Superfluid protocol has been hacked, and about 2,700 ETH is currently in the hacker's wallet.



B.Protocol, the largest Stability Pool interface in Liquity, integrates with Vesta Finance, and automatically converts liquidated ETH, renBTC and gOHM back to VST and re-deposits them into Stability Pools.

VST providers to the Stability Pools using B.Protocol benefit from locking the liquidation profits, minimizing their exposure to volatile assets, compounding passive APY on VST (no need to manually rebalance their position) and strengthening Vesta's stability.



The Gnosis Safe team has submitted a proposal to establish the safeDAO and launch a SAFE token.



Hester Pierce of the SEC warned that proposed SEC reform of securities trading platforms could threaten DeFi.



Gearbox Protocol talked about Gearbox DAO coordination, as well as rewards to the first active contributors.



Tron's Justin Sun accused of "governance attack" on Compound protocol.

Cryptocurrency think tank GFX Labs says a prominent whale may be attempting to swing a vote in his favor.

The community believes that there are further opportunities to improve BAL's tokenomics and some sort of staking/blocking needs to be implemented.

The protocol suggested the following updates:



Bitfinex announced the return of a significant portion of bitcoin stolen during the 2016 hack.



AAVE Polygon Market now supports indexcoop token $DPI.



HopProtocol announces a collaboration with Gnosischain.



$FEI is now collateral on @AaveAave.



SushiSwap plans to release v2.



Gelato network integrates Flashbots.



SPL releases v2 of the protocol.


Highlights of the week



Events of the coming week










10 effective coins of the week

Assessment combines altcoin price performance relative to bitcoin and social performance



Grayscale fund portfolio dynamics



Bitcoin metrics



This model views Bitcoin as a commodity comparable to those like gold, silver, or platinum. These commodities are known as "stored value commodities" because they retain their value over time due to their relative scarcity.

For commodities of value, such as gold, platinum, or silver, a high ratio indicates that they are not primarily consumed for industrial purposes. Instead, much of it is held as a cash hedge, resulting in a higher stock-to-flow ratio.

A higher ratio indicates that the commodity is becoming increasingly scarce and therefore more valuable as a store of value.



How to look at the chart?


In the above chart, the price is overlaid on top of the stock-to-flow ratio line. We can see that the price continues to follow bitcoin's stock-to-flow ratio over time. Thus, the theory suggests that we are able to predict where the price might go by observing the projected stock-to-flow ratio line, which can be calculated because we know the approximate timeline for bitcoin production in the future.


The colored dots on the price line of this chart show the number of days until the next bitcoin halving event. It's an event during which the reward for mining new blocks is halved, meaning miners get 50% less bitcoins for checking transactions. 



Whales have significantly accumulated BTC over the past 7 weeks. Since Dec. 23, addresses with $1,000BTC or more have added a total of $220,000BTC to their wallets, representing the fastest accumulation since September 2019.



Funding Rates


Positive funding rates imply that speculators are bullish, and long-traders pay funds to short-traders. 

Negative funding rates mean that speculators are bearish, and short-traders pay funds to long-traders.



P.S. Funding rates (0.01%) - black, this is a neutral situation. Funding rates (below 0.01%) - green, this is a bullish situation. Funding rates (above 0.01%) - red, it is a bearish situation. The stronger the bearish or bullish sentiment, the darker the color.


Off chain data

